Now banned, what are partially hydrogenated oils?

What are partially hydrogenated oils?
October 19, 2018
Thus, food industries have 2 years to sell off their stocks of pastries, crackers and donuts (to name a few) made with partially hydrogenated oils.
But what are these oils and why would we want to ban them?
Briefly, the oils are hydrogenated to increase their shelf life and strength at room temperature . In itself, this transformation has a noble goal, but it results in the formation of so-called trans fats.
Since science has well documented that trans fats thus obtained artificially significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as dyslipidemia (cholesterol problems) and myocardial infarction (heart attack), Health Canada no longer wanted them on our shelves.
That said, you can rest assured, because none of the Olives et gourmandises products contain partially hydrogenated oils , therefore no trans fats on the menu.
Another reason to adopt them!
Important note: Be careful not to confuse trans fats naturally present in dairy products, which have no harmful effects on health, backed by science.
History and details of Health Canada's approach here
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash