1. Bring salted water to a boil and cook pasta according to instructions.
2. Place the olive oil in a pan and cook the shallots and garlic until translucent.
3. Add the chili
4. Add the shrimp
5. Add the vodka, bring to a boil for 1 minute
6. Add the tomatoes and let boil
7. Reduce heat and add cream, salt and pepper
8. Add the parmesan, mixing well
9. Add the penne, bring to a simmer, stirring slowly, long enough for the pasta to absorb some of the liquid.
10. Serve in 4 bowls
11. Garnish with parmesan and a drizzle of basil olive oil.
Tip: Pasta tends to cool quite quickly. To avoid eating cold, reheat your plates in the oven before serving.
Enjoy your food!
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